Pumpkinseed Biscuits
3 days left! What’s behind door Number 21?
Unfortunately you can not really see the color, which is actually more green.

Pumkinseed Biscuit
Adventskalender 2017, Biscuits and Cookies
Länder & Regionen:
Portionen: 30 biscuits
- 80 g dried pumpkin seeds
- 150 g flour
- 50 g sugar
- 1 pinch salt
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- 1 pinch clove powder
- 150 g butter
- apricot jam
- 50 g chocolate
- 20 g roasted, chopped pumkin seeds
Ground the pumkin seeds fine. Mix with flour, sugar, salt, cinnamon and cloves.
Cut butter in small pieces and add to flour mix. Knead to a dough.
Place in fridge for 1 hour.
Roll out on floured surface and cut out.
Bake in preheated oven at 180° C for 7 minutes.
Leave the biscuits to cool. Spread apricot jam on a biscuit and stick another one to it. Decorate with a blot of melted chocolate and sprinkle chopped pumkin seeds on top.
Enjoy baking!
Maggi & Family
Hola! Pumpkin! 🙂